Value creation made as simple as possible, but no simpler.
Community, content & courses for building independent income on the internet.
Trusted by over 8,000 builders
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This would normally be the place for a very specific sales pitch with a promise to turn you into a millionaire or a genius (or both) overnight.
Visualize Value will do neither.
Our only focus is to keep building things that help people keep building things: making obscure knowledge more accessible, growing a network of value-driven practitioners, and being transparent about everything we do along the way.
Those assets takes many forms: free content, paid courses, and growing a community of people who have decided to optimize for happiness, and ownership over their time.
Value in your inbox
Every week, we share what we're working on with 15,243 value creators.
The VV Community
Building a Network of Builders
Access to peers, real-time events, and honest feedback.
An active group of internet builders. Make connections, get fast feedback, show up as both a student and a teacher.
+ 50+ hour archive of live-event content
+ Access to weekly interactive live workshops
+ A global digital community platform
+ Real-time lessons from the VV business
+ The Daily Manifest self-organization system
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What Jack and Celia have built is a community of insanely talented builders and a content library of actionable frameworks.
There's nothing quite like VV.
Jereek Espiritu
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a community of digital builders like you've never seen before. People just getting started, people already with audiences, people who don't know what to do yet. They all communicate with each other and help each other out.
Craig Burgess
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I’m in many online communities. This is by far the most interactive.
If you are building something this community is going to build you up. It’s the place to be.
Phil Smith
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Incredible utility - a swiss army knife for designers / entrepreneurs and those interested in bettering themselves.
Best purchase in a long long time.
Ryan Dempster
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Jack and Celia take every opportunity to throw value at you.
Whatever's in the back of your head, this is the place to make it real.
Sunny Shah
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The people who’ve joined the visualize value community seem to have an understanding of high level mental models and a propensity to take action, and to help others do the same.
Martin Veldsman
Content designed to build mental wealth.
Making time-tested principles easier to understand and apply.
VV elsewhere:
The Almanack of Naval Ravikant
The Visualize Value Chrome Extension
Value in your inbox
Every week, we share what we're working on with 15,243 value creators.
Courses designed to kickstart value creation.
Concise, value-dense digital workshops. We work hard to send you less.
How to Visualize Value
Permissionless Apprentice
The field manual for the internet economy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
1,900 Students
2,700 Students
500 Students

Build Once, Sell Twice
The Productization Playbook
Package your expertise into products that work without you.
A digital curriculum that helps you identify your specific knowledge, take it to market, and divorce your time from your income.
How to:
+ Structure and build a digital training product
+ Build a product-centric content strategy
+ Leverage social platforms to scale
+ Collect social proof
+ Develop a personal brand strategy
33% Bundle Discount
Purchase with How to Visualize Value
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Amazing content that is created from Jack's skin-the-in-the-game adventures. The content in this product is original and something you can't google.
You're purchasing a philosophy, mindset, and a framework on how to execute this framework yourself.
Jeeves Murugesu
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Concise yet rich in actionable advice.
Jack's own journey + lessons learned.
Proof of success.
In short, a distillation of everything you need to succeed as a builder of scalable assets.
William Willis
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Jack has done a great job of getting what you need to improve and learn and nothing else. This makes it easy to stay engaged and actually complete the courses. So many go over the top and it becomes overwhelming even when the content is good.
Simple is hard to pull off and Jack has done a great job staying focused on the things that move the needle.
Matthew Hansen
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Build Once, Sell Twice shares the fundamentals to building an online business in a way that is profound to beginner and experienced practitioners alike.
Jack's style of teaching works. He combines deep general principles his specific transparent implementation of those principles. This guides you towards a true understanding, instead of shallow copy/paste mimicry.
If you want to monetize a skill online, buy this course.
Gerard Dawson
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Build Once, Sell Twice is a unique course in the sense that it helps you think about life through a set of new principles. Those principles, when applied, give you maximum leverage. Your odds of success increase greatly.
Your ability to think strategically improves. Once you understand the principles that Jack shares, it's the proverbial "light bulb" moment. If you want to do big things, you'd be foolish not to invest in this course before you get started. 5/5.
Justin Welsh
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I used Build Once, Sell Twice as the main philosophy for my course launch.
After generating over $10k in sales in less than a week, I know one thing:
It works.
JK Molina

How to Visualize Value
Design Fundamentals
Learn to distill and present your ideas so people pay attention.
The zero to one guide for simple, impactful design. Learn how to use design to communicate more effectively, not just make things look nice.
How to:
+ Communicate more clearly
+ Use restraint to create consistently
+ Build a content brand
+ Increase your perceived value
+ Use design to sell your product or service
33% Bundle Discount
Purchase with Build Once, Sell Twice
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Jack is a master at his craft, and he packages his hard-earned lessons into digestible bits so that it is easy to follow along even if you have no design background. I've started recommending his work to everyone I know.
Clay Norris
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have been designing since 2002. I start with the VV membership looking for a community of like-minded designers and creators, and now I am enrolled in all of Jack's courses. It has changed the way I see the design and how a minimal design can effectively communicate your ideas in a simple visual form.
Pravash Karki
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
As a designer and business owner, finding ways to communicate and differentiate what you do is essential, but so overlooked. The challenge is actually learning the steps in an organised and systematic way.
That’s why Visualize Value is such a fantastic and unique resource. I’ve been using what I’ve learned for everything from social media posts to investment pitches to my wedding invitations!
Thomas Cornwall
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I purchased this course early on in its lifetime and was blown away with the actionability. I'm sure it is only improving over time.
More than that, the actionability is tied with concise grounding in how to understand why it works.
I've already recommended it to several people personally. I also recommend it to you.
Evan Driscoll
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Visualize Value does more than teach you to visualize.
It provides a new mental model for explaining your vision to the world.
By creating and categorizing ideas in simple visual ways it helps not only understanding but sharing.
Great course Jack.
Devin Janzen
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've always wanted to explore design, but have never known where to start and how to start-- there's so many resources online with no way to tell what's good advice, and what's bad advice.
VV is the right place to start exploring visual communication-- it's a well designed, no BS course that I'd highly recommend to anyone looking to grow as a designer/visual communicator-- newbies and vets alike.

Permissionless Apprentice
The Value Creator Onramp
Stop waiting for opportunity, start engineering it.
See opportunities where others don’t, build proof of work, and study real examples of this strategy in action.
How to:
+ Identify opportunity on the internet
+ Add value without permission
+ Build and publish proof of work
+ Act before asking
+ Work confidently in public
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is not just for beginners. This is for continuous learners with a beginner mind. Don't get stuck in past-thinking.
This course keeps you fresh, new and at the cutting edge of how to break into any new area, how to get and stay relevant. Times are changing. Push the envelope with Jack as your guide.
Emmy Sobieski
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved this course--thank you, Jack and the team at Visualize Value! I appreciated how direct and easy-to-understand everything was. I have tons of pages of actionable notes, which to me, is the mark of a great course. Here's to creating value without permission in 2021!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I appreciate that care, thought, reflection, and intention Jack puts into his work. It's evident. I've learned so much for him and the way he thinks.
I also have learned immensely from the VV community in Slack. A phenomenal collection of leaders. Thank you!
Ryan Hawk
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The ideology behind the permissionless apprentice is so obvious yet so insightful, and straightforward. It comes with great examples and actions to become an apprentice.
It is based on the premise of giving away value instead of asking permission to provide the value. It is about being bold.
The course is a no brainer if you want to become better at anything. Totally recommend it.
Alonso Vargas Esparza
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This course helped me find direction, clarity, and build a sustainable mental model for an important creative work that I've been meaning to do. Thanks for putting this together, Jack!
I would recommend this course to anyone who aims to become a sovereign-working-individual in this internet age.
Silas Sundar
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Taking this course opened up a world of opportunity. Before, Permissionless Apprenticeship was just a phrase I saw on Twitter. This course broke it down into digestible steps that transformed how I think about creating opportunity on the internet.
Now I am brimming with ideas and a framework to put them into action. Pairs perfectly with Build Once, Sell Twice. I highly recommend going all in with Visualize Value. You won't be disappointed.
Andy Narracott
Value in your inbox
Every week, we share what we're working on with 15,243 value creators.
Designed by a designer.
I'm Jack. (Say hello on Twitter)
I spent 10 years working in Fortune 100 advertising in NYC as a creative director for multi-billion dollar brands.
Fun, but the opposite of freedom.
So, in search of freedom, I started my own advertising agency. No fun, and even less freedom.
After two years of iteration, I figured out how to transition to highly-specialized (and fun) consulting, and a product business that scales infinitely.
The insight behind this transition?
Productizing myself.
Visualize Value is the product of that transition, a project I've used to build a network of mentors, a $1M/year product business, and a media platform with an audience of over 500,000 people.
If you'd have told me this story 18 months ago, I wouldn't have believed you.
So I built a business to convince people it's possible.
Before building things for people like you, I was building things for people like this:

Copyright Visualize Value © 2021. All rights reserved.